
Monday Night Dinner: Couscous and chicken cooked in veggie stock (I had no chicken stock!) onions, garlic tumeric and garam masala

Last nights dinner was chicken thigh and cous-cous one pot. That’s what recipe said it was, I’m not sure you could call it a one pot meal considering the number of times I had to get that chicken in and out of the pot. I guess you can say I have “rediscovered” cous cous of late. I used to eat it fairly regularly before I had The Toddler but when I was pregnant I once made the mistake of eating it in the middle of a bad bout of all day sickness. Ewww.  Nearly three years later I’m able to eat it again! This turned out really well, so much flavour. All my boys liked it. Mind you I think the only boy in the household likely to let me know if they actually didn’t like it would be the Toddler. The Husband and The Nephew would be too scared too 😉

Tuesdays Breakfast: No added sugar museli with almond rice milk and fresh pear

We seem to be mostly out of food in the house today, bad times. The shopping is being delivered tonight so we’ll be restocked soon. Basically all I had in for breakfast was fruit or museli – so why not have both. I usually just have standard milk on my cold cereals but I haven’t used it in so long it smelled – not good 😉 The Toddler entered the kitchen while I was making breakfast (I’d saved a slice of bread to make him some toast and peanutbutter) and with much banging of fists and yelling of “MORE TA!” I got the idea that he wanted some too. I really didn’t expect him to like it but before I’d even finished pouring it in to the bowl he was dragging his high chair to the table to eat. He LOVED it. Polished off his portion and tried to move on to mine. Nothing is your own when you’re a mother.

The Toddler enjoying his breakfast! Note the pyjamas - no need to mess up his day clothes!

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