Meet the Toddler

Everyone, meet The Toddler…

The Toddler in all his cheeky glory

He likes to copy me. I left my spot on the sofa (my favourite spot I’d like to add, me and the sofa are VERY good friends!) to come back and find this. He had stolen my pot of hummus and was happily dipping some baked crisps in to it. If you look at the radiator behind he’s even copied my habit of dumping things in random places. Mummy’s cup of tea and The Toddlers cup of water. Like mother, like son. I’m lucky (or just plan brilliant!) to have a child who eats almost anything I put in front of him. Some of his friends are really fussy eaters but not The Toddler. He. Eats. Anything. I also marvel at the fact that children this age don’t even understand the concept of over eating. If they are hungry they eat and when they are full they stop. When do so many of us lose the ability to do that? I know I have.

Anyway…on to breakfast for the last two mornings:

Grilled banana sandwich - even the husband liked it!

The recipe from this comes from one of my favourite healthy living blogs Healthy Tipping Point . It was really yummy and my husband who isn’t really the worlds biggest banana fan enjoyed it to. I made his as a normal sandwich – two slices of bread. For mine I just had the one slice and cut it half to make a smaller sandwich and added an apple on the side. I made it for The Toddler too but he wasn’t hungry that morning and instead took it for a walk in his shopping trolley (note to self: don’t let The Toddler walk around with food! Bad mummy moment!)

And I leave you with a picture of my wild haired little man:

Dinner and Overnight Oats

I have a couple of dinners to show you (or as we call them back in my good old home county – tea!) and also my new favourite breakfast – the husband loved it too but the toddler wasn’t so keen. He mostly just tried to cart it around the living room and feed it to anyone he could find. Then 30 minutes later he was hanging off the fridge door yelling “CHEESE!” – I’m telling you, my toddler has a cheese problem. Usually I’m quite mean about these things, if you don’t eat it, it’s you problem but since this was a new meal and he did try it I let him have some cheese and a fig roll (nutritious huh?!)

Oh and on a sidenote: This weeks weigh in: 5lbs down πŸ™‚

Saturday Night Dinner: Cripsy Chicken - chicken thighs, chickpeas, peppers, cannellini beans and cherry tomatoes. A family favourite

Sunday Night: Fish Pie. I took the picture without the topping because it looks all blah and boring once the topping is on. New addition to this fish pie - curly kale.

Last night I cooked a really good lasagne (if I do say so myself!) but because I’m vacant I forget to get a photo of it. Bad times because I think it was my prettiest creation to date. I usually make a cheat recipe and instead of making the bechamel (spelling??) sauce I used creme fraiche and put some parmesan on top. Thing is – those are expensive and I’m feeling cheap. Since I had the ingredients for the actual sauce I made that for the first time. Everyone told me it was hard but I thought it was dead easy and really tasty πŸ™‚ I also didn’t have parmesan for the top so I just added sliced low fat mozerella – that worked really well. I was running low on veggies so I added some curly kale to it also. Curly kale is my new favourite veg πŸ™‚ it tastes great raw or cooked.

Breakfast: Over night oats. 1/4 cup oats, 1/4 cup vanilla soya milk, 1/4 cup home made low fat greek yoghurt. All mixed up and left in the fridge overnight. Here it is topped with some Agave Nectar to sweeten it up a bit.

Finished product: topped with an apple and some sultanas. The husband has his topped with seeds and dried fruit and the toddler had his topped with sultanas.

I <3 it when the hubby cooks!

A couple of different meals to show you today. Yesterdays breakfast and todays brunch because…well…those are the only photos I have at the moment πŸ˜‰ and my mum wants me to post something.

Yesterday, the husband cooked breakfast. Breakfast is usually quite quick around here – toast, cereal, sometimes scrambled eggs. Obviously yesterday the husband decided he wanted to do something a little different and he cooked us the yummiest omelette ever. It had peppers, onions, some cheese and sausages in. It was great. The toddler loved it too, though I did notice later in the afternoon he had stashed a bit of his slice somewhere and was obviously trying to save it as an afternoon snack – yucky boy! So here is the masterpiece…

Om nom nom nom!

A shot from a different angle - just because I can!

Today’sΒ lunch was a brunch technically because I didn’t actually get out bed until noon – the toddler was staying over night at his grandparents – so by the time I finally got around to making something it was definitely more lunchtime than anything.

Corn tortilla wrap (love these, way yummier than the wheat ones!) with tuna, lettuce and yellow pepper. Apple. Pear.